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Crash Tests
Vehicle Testing
APTS sensors
Infrastructure virtual testing
ADAS engineering – Digital Twin
Test Center
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Crash Tests
Vehicle Testing
APTS sensors
Infrastructure virtual testing
ADAS engineering – Digital Twin
Test Center
About Us
Product & Services
Crash Tests
Vehicle Testing
APTS sensors
Infrastructure virtual testing
ADAS engineering – Digital Twin
Test Center
About Us
Product & Services
Crash Tests
Vehicle Testing
APTS sensors
Infrastructure virtual testing
ADAS engineering – Digital Twin
Test Center
About Us
Proving ground
La Valbonne
Quality Tracks
Speed Ring
Lenght: 3250m with 3 straight lanes of 1000m
Banked curves (30% top lanes)
Speed ring for:
- high-grip braking
- vehicle dynamics
- Acoustics, Measurement of internal noise
Comfort Track
Lenght: 700m
Speed: 80kph
With isolated obstacles: manhole cover, railway line, road collapse, bumper...
Acoustic Track
Development, measurement and homologation of external noise according to ISO10844 :2014 standard.
Lenght of the ring: 895m
ISO lenght: 70m
Predisposition of underground measuring cable
Handling Platform
Several radius markings
1% inclination towards the centre
Development and measurement of driving behavior
Development, measurement and approval:
- Steering system
- Electronic Stability Control
Ramps from 8% to 50%
Different types of surfaces (asphalt, gravels, concrete, rocks)
Assessment of clearance, strength of parking brakes.
Dirty track
Lenght: 800m
Operationnal lenght : 100m
Water ingress with adjustable height up to 50cm.
Low Adherence
"Basalte" cobblestones on 4m of width
Lenght of low adherence: 200m
Asphalt high-adherence path
Continuous watering or in turns
Development and measurement:
- high-grip braking
Handling track
Series of curves for 820m
One-way road, width of 4,5m
Development and measurement:
- Dynamic behavior
- Electronic stability control
Durability Tracks
Concrete Bumps
Twice 4 concrete bumps, spaced of 20m
Height of bumps : 67mm
Crossing speed: 35kph
Track lenght:
North: 100m - South: 300m
Dimension: 0,7 to 1,4m
Depth: 6 to 10cm
Crossing speed: 25kph
Cooling Ford
Length: 30m
Adjustable depth: 6, 8 and 10cm
Crossing speed: 30kph
Concrete Channels
Symmetrical and asymmetrical scarification
3 depth zones: 20 to 40mm
Crossing speed: 25 to 40kph
Washboard in Phase & Out of Phase
Lenght: 140m
3 lanes, phase and phase shift
Height: 2cm
Frequency: 5 to 25Hz to 36kph
Manhole Covers
6 manhole covers
Height of 17mm
Crossing speed: 25kph
African Washboard
Lenght: 300m
Height: 6cm
Frequency: 25 to 45Hz to 65kph
Rough Twister Blocks
2 lenght of 100m
Intervals of 7m
Difference in height of blocks: 0,3m
Crossing speed: 2 to 5kph
Assessment of chassis torsion
Smooth Twister Blocks
2 length of 30m
Intervals of 8,5m
Difference in height of blocks: 0,2m
Crossing speed: 2 to 5kph
Assessment of chassis torsion
Rut Track
Lenght: 200m
Assessment of tyres behaviour
Muddy Ford
Lenght: 1,9km
Speed: 40 to 50kph
Crossing assessment
Gravel Track
Lenght: 1,9km
Speed: 40 to 50kph
Gravel Bumps
Length: 70m
Loose Soil
Length: 90m
Gravel Reverse Track
Length: 140m
Right and Left Slope
Length: 70m
Asphalt Steering Area
Surface area: 1500m2 (50m x 30m)
Development of steering system
Gravel Steering Area
Surface area: 1500m2 (50m x 30m)
Development of steering system
Evolution Area
Offroad evolution area
Surface area: 10 000m2
Gravel, ramps and various impediments.
Crossing assessment
Diverse Obstacles
2 heights of step: 400 and 500mm
3 dimensions (Lenght x width x height):
- 4m x 20cm x 40cm
- 4m x 40cm x 40cm
- 4m x 50cm x 50cm
Standard bus stop
Standardised bus stop. Lenght: 35m
Standardised sidewalk
Urban Bump 1
Lenght: 0,64m
Height: 67mm
Urban Bump 2
Lenght: 4,5m
Height: 100mm
3 pits
Height: 60cm
3 leight: 110, 130 and 150cm
Electric Recharging Station
Charging station Heliox Fast DC150 - 150kw with CCS plug
Meeting Rooms
Meeting rooms up to 30 people Equipped: video projector, wifi, soundstation...
Customer Space
Confidential workshop with mechanical pit
1 power point Hypra IP66 TETRA 3P+N+T, 125A with meter.
Weighting Area
CAPTELS ORA10 MVN 2A8V 314 scale 8 mass measurement platforms
From 0 to 20 000kg, 5kg steps
Gravel Loading Hopper
Automatic system to load/unload construction vehicle with gravel (Imitating customers conditions of use)
High Pressure Carwash
High pressure cleaning tunnel and area. For endurance testing, cleaning vehicle before mechanic control
Handling and Ballast
Hoist of 5000 daN
Forklift truck for 3770kg
Concrete ballasts
Sandbag of 5, 10, 15kg