Test center for Road safety infrastructures

For 27 years, Transpolis has been performing crash tests  on road safety equipment under virtual and real conditions, according to national and international standards.


Endurance, reliability and/or performance tests, for all types of vehicles.
Standard or customised tests on automated or connected vehicles & vehicles fitted with ADAS.

Engineering systems.


Abdominal Pressure Twin Sensor
The unique APTS sensors developed for the Q-Dummies series.
Children aged 1 to 10 .

Part of the ECE R129 regulation

Transpolis' value added services

Almost 3 decades of innovation and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Products and services with dedicated specialists tailoring their skills to deliver best results.


Transpolis can deliver a wide array of engineering services. Our people are always on-hand with their tried and trusted expertise.

System integration expertise for

Parametric study on correlated model for


Transpolis has broad and deep expertise in Simulation, a critical skill since it levers the natural and powerful synergies to be gleaned by combining virtual and real crash tests.

Our Digital Twin service has full VIL usability for automated and connected vehicles or vehicles fitted with ADAS sensors.

Two proving grounds

130 hectares of specialised facilities to test vehicles and features.

Transpolis has 2 complementary proving grounds. Fully modular, they can be tailored to meet customer requirements and enable a wide range of tests.

Les Fromentaux, the new test track is fully connected with its own private mobile network including new 5G technology.


Safety is part and parcel of who we are

Word class center for innovation and safety.

With skilled co-workers and partners, Transpolis works to the most exacting standards, with a constant focus on flexibility to meet customer requirements.

In the heart of Europe

Headquartered in Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens, less than 60 minutes drive from Lyon, Transpolis is located in the heart of Europe.

Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy are all easily accessible by road, train and plane.

We have 2 proving grounds, located just 12 miles from each other.

730 km
641 km
1000 km
461 km


Get in touch with Transpolis


Transpolis’ tracks are fitted for your project ? You need our expertise in road safety ?

We tailor our services to meet your needs.
Reach out to us simply by completing the contact sheet.

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