Transpolis is named as Technical Service for the French Member State.
Type-approval tests to assess vehicle functions
For this purpose, the Transpolis testing laboratory is now authorised to carry out type-approval tests on commercial vehicles and heavy goods vehicles (N2/N3) and buses (M2/M3) for the following UNECE regulations:
- R131 : Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS)
- R130 : Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS)
- R151 : Blind Sport Information System for detection of bicycles (BSIS)
- R159 : Moving Off Information System (MOIS)
An appointment from the French Member State
In France, any manufacturer wishing to introduce a vehicle into the EU market must aimed the Centre National de Réception des Véhicules (CNRV), the French Authority for Type-Approval.
The CNRV delegates the type-approval tests to the testing laboratories of its Technical Services. They are in charge of checking the conformity of the vehicle’s functions with UNECE* regulations in accordance with a test protocol. Then, the testing laboratory drawing up a report which the CNRV uses to issue the type-approval certificate for the system(s) tested.
*UNECE: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Testing laboratory accredited by the COFRAC body
Each Technical Service for a Member State is required to be COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited, an accreditation which Transpolis obtained in September 2022 for its Vehicle Safety activity.
This appointment is a logical continuation of the development of Transpolis, which had already been COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited since 1998 for its Infrastructure Safety activity.

The values of rigor and impartiality are omnipresent in the daily work of Transpolis teams. Becoming a Technical Service is a true recognition of the skills of Transpolis and its employees in the field of vehicle testing. Now Transpolis has the top-level expertise and offers turnkey services to manufactuers : from development to type-approval tests.

To know more about vehicles type-approval, rendez-vous in the official website of the French Ministry “Ministère de la Transition Ecologique” (link in French) : Homologation des véhicules
To download the official Press Release : here