Transpolis on French TV

Transpolis, the transports lab

04/01/2019 – Transpolis on French television news.

The reporters of the national canal TF1 were on the new Les Fromentaux proving ground to understand how Transpolis tests new mobilities. They were in our connected city fitted with dummies and testing vehicles. 

2019, the year when we launched our new test center, Les Fromentaux, which is also Transpolis headquarters. 

In this report, you can discover our facilities which compose the real test center for technologies and mobility of tomorrow. We can see the Berthelet autonomous shuttle that was in test at this date. 

Discover that moment here !

On French TV again, this time in a show called “Les 12 coups de midi”, Transpolis is one of the quiz subjects: “What the use of Transpolis, a ghost town located near Lyon?”  

Transpolis is often illustrated like a ghost town, supposing to be deserted, without any activities. Yes, in Transpolis there is a city, but it is connected and full equipped with all new technologies to ensure future mobility. Far from being unoccupied. 

Discover that moment here

Transpolis on Television
