Autonomous vehicles tracks

The French Society of Automotive Engineers (SIA) releases a complete bimonthly review which is a very instructive technologic monitoring. In the December 2020 edition, n°868, Transpolis was mentioned in two articles, one is an interview of Anne-Marie Idrac, High representative in charge of the French strategy for the development of autonomous vehicles. De l’anneau de […]
Transpolis on French TV

Transpolis, the transports lab 04/01/2019 – Transpolis on French television news. The reporters of the national canal TF1 were on the new Les Fromentaux proving ground to understand how Transpolis tests new mobilities. They were in our connected city fitted with dummies and testing vehicles. 2019, the year when we launched our new test center, […]
Autonomous Shuttle Experiments

The ENA project “Expérimentations de Navettes Autonomes” (Autonomous Shuttle Experiments) is one of the two winning projects for the EVRA (Experimentation of the Autonomous Road Vehicle) call for projects launched by the French government in 2018 as part of the national strategy for the development of autonomous vehicles. It is implemented by a consortium of […]
Academic reading

Proving ground for automated vehicle testing Transpolis is mentioned as a “proving ground with a focus on automated vehicles” in the Method to Assess and Compare Proving Grounds in the Context of Automated Driving Systems, wrote by N. Katzorke, M. Moosmann, R. Imdahl and H. Lasi. 2020. Abstract — Automotive proving grounds currently face an […]
A virtual & personalised technical tour

Les Fromentaux, the Transpolis proving ground, is full-equipped and stands out by its numerous facilities. From its launch, we welcome our customers and prospects to visit Transpolis: our test center, facilities and different testing tracks. Health-care context, interactions are considerably slowing from more than one year. As always, we get used to the situation and […]
An innovative test center

For almost 30 years, Transpolis has been carrying out crash tests on road restraint systems in virtual and real conditions, doing so in accordance with national and international standards. The EN1317 standard is the most widespread for road restraint systems. It is complete and takes in a wide sweep of road infrastructures: all kind of […]